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Tin Can Drums

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We have been busy this week making these cool tin can drums.  I borrowed this fab idea from Jamie as hands on : as we grow. Luckily my can opener leaves a nice smooth edge so I didn’t need to tape up the edges before we painted them.  I gave the children lots of different coloured paints and they were off!

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I use plastercine to fix them to the table so they didn’t move around whilst the children were trying to paint them.

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Look at that concentration!

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We used poster paint to paint ours, but we have also used acrylic paint in the past.

Then we just had to wait for them to dry.

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Some of us found it difficult to wait until they were dry to give them a go!
Once dry, I cut the thin part off of a balloon and stretch the remaining part across the top of the tin.

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With the addition of a stick, we were ready to make music:)
Although they made a reasonable amount of noise when banged with a stick, J found that by stretching the balloon and then releasing it, it made a much cooler sound!

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And here are our finished drums.

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I think these are so fab that I’ve have added one to our music wall.


The rest have been taken home for parents to enjoy:))
Links to EYFS:
CLL: Handwriting (showing good control of the paint brush)
CLL: Using Equipment and Materials (demonstrating good hand-eye coordination)
CD: Being Creating Music and Dance (creating sounds by banging / tapping, singing / making up songs, tapping out rhythms, exploring how sounds can be changed)