I’ve been looking for ages for a table that I can use in the garden for craft activities and that would fold down for storage. The only ones I had found that were the right height and would sustain messy activities, were in the nursery catalogues but these retail for around £60 each (I would need at least 2) putting them way out of my price range. However my mum and dad came up with a brilliantly simple idea. They got one of the cheap plastic garden tables, the sort you can get in B&Q, and sawed the legs to the right height. Perfect! Easy to clean and the legs are removable for easy storage. Even better still, I got one from the local tip for free! There were loads there as people get rid of them once they are marked or faded, but this doesn’t matter for messy activities. Alternatively, the cheapest place I have found to buy them is Wilkinson, where they retail for approx £20 for a rectangular one.
Here’s mine, not much to look at but perfect for what I need.