The children used the brushes to add paint to the boxes. This was very much a process activity, so the children were not restricted to working only on one box.
They moved freely around the table, adding paint to which ever box took their fancy. This worked really well. In the past when I’ve tried to encourage the children to work on only one object, they tend to lose interest in the activity quite quickly, but here, having the freedom to add paint to any box seemed to help them them stay focused and made the activity more appealing.
Over the course of about a week, the children had the opportunity to return and add further layers of paint.
They experimented with using the brushes in different ways.
Explored painting the inside, as well as the outside of the boxes.
Experimented with painting with their fingers ……….which of course led to….
Explored painting the table cover!!
…and you might have guessed from the previous photo, then face painting!
I could see the children’s interest was going in a slightly different direction so provided card for mark-making with hands!
The following day attention returned to the boxes.
Once they were dry, the children added their choice of collage materials.