With a few basics like popsicle sticks & sequins, this has been one of our favorite holiday crafts to do – very colorful and very easy!
Gather all of your needed supplies for this project.
Start by laying out your popsicle sticks on your paper in the order of the tree you wish to create, making a template. (As you get near the top of the tree, you may have to cut your sticks with scissors to achieve your desired shape). Once the layout is complete – trace a pencil outline around the tree shape created. This outline shape is a guideline to help your child lay out the sticks. After outline is created, remove sticks from paper.
Next create lines of glue for each stick placement, and lay down the popsicle sticks according to the outline. To my happiness, this was V’s absolute favorite part (besides the decorating part).
Glue, place and repeat until your tree is all placed and set, pressing down as you go along to secure on the paper. V loved trying to find the pieces (popsicle sticks) that fit, much like a puzzle to put together. She was so excited she would not even let me help!
Let your tree dry for 30 minutes to an hour. Once sticks are dry and secured to the paper, dot your tree with glue dots and decorate your tree with sequins.
Optional: Trace & cut out a star shape on foam board. Place on top of your tree using glue. (V.’s not quite old enough for scissors yet–but of course this is a step that slightly older kids can do on their own).
Once completed, admire your beautiful creation!