I’m always on the look out for something new and different to try with the little ones and got very excited when I found an idea here for adding spices to playdough. Not mixed in with the dough, but separate. I already had bay leaves and cinnamon sticks, but after a quick trip to Tesco added lemon grass and cardamoms to the collection.
I scented playdough with lemon and cinnamon and added rolling pins and cookie cutters to play.
I encouraged the children to smell the spices as they explored, as you can see some were not overly keen on this!
Ah that’s better!
The children selected from the resources and added them to their dough.
K focused on laying everything flat on the dough.
He then discovered this made it a bit tricky to use the cookie cutter, so removed the pieces one by one.
R, on the other hand, positioned the spices vertically.
Pausing to smell the bay leaves
K observed an imitated R’s play…..
…and then rolled them all flat!
Little E, well she was just happy to stack the pots!
As this was an adult-directed activity, I introduced some number practise into the activity. The little ones however, were far more interested in their own explorations!
Using the lemon grass sticks to stir the pot…
…and then to move the rolling pin!
E progressed to filling the pots!
R came up with some fantastic creations…
Love it!
And here’s one of K’s
The original post at A Little Pink A Little Blue, used dried orange peel in their play. I’ve had a quick look on-line and this looks pretty easy to do, so hopefully we’ll also have some to add to play next week