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Pasta Sculptures!



I found this fantastic ideas for pasta sculptures over at Teaching 2 and 3 years old’s – thanks Sheryl! It was such a simple idea that  even the one year old I look after had a go.1 

I did this as the activity at the Childminding group I lead and in the afternoon we used up the left overs (hence why the coloured rice is a bit mixed up)
I used both paint and food colouring to colour the pasta and rice, just experimenting with which gave the brightest colours.2L wasn’t that interested in spreading the glue on the card, so I did this for her.  She did have a go but was far more interested in transferring the rice and pasta onto the glue.


M on the other hand, could do the whole process on his own.


I didn’t direct the children as they selected an added pasta and rice to their card, I wanted these to be their own creations.

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L got to practise her pincer grip, picking up those tiny pieces of pasta.



The rice proved a bit more tricky.


L found that this was easier to pick up if she used all her fingers.


Usually when we glue pasta or rice, if we don’t use enough glue then a lot of the pasta and rice does not stick.  However thanks to Teaching 2 and 3 year olds we can now make 3d sculptures with very little glue.  All you need to do is spray the children’s finished creation with starch – genius!  Everything sticks together with the added bonus of a bit of a shine!  This is great for little ones who don’t always remember to add glue!


And here are their finished creations!






