I made some small pots of jelly for the children and as they were setting, put Easter confetti into the jelly. The idea was that the children would use the giant tweezers to try to retrieve the confetti from the jelly.
I think next time I will use less water than the instruction suggested to make them a bit firmer. The children eagerly gathered round the table as I got the equipment ready and quickly allocated themselves each a jelly. Using the tweezers, they persevered in trying to remove the confetti with even the younger ones being keen to join in.
For some though, the temptation of exploring the jelly with their hands proved too great to resist!
Which is just fine as the children learn through exploring the texture of the jelly and their actions upon it.
Links to EYFS:
CLL: Handwriting – where children are able to use the tweezers to pick up the confetti
PSRN: Numbers as Labels and for Counting – where children count the pieces of confetti that they have retrieved.
PSRN: Calculating – where children make comparisons between their confetti, identifying who has more / less.
PD: Using Equipment and Materials – where children are able to use the tweezers to pick up the confetti.
CD: Exploring Media and Materials – exploring the jelly / describing the texture etc.