This version of invisible ink was so much easier and more rewarding than our lemon juice flop. Although I realize we ought to give the lemon juice another try now that everyone’s suggested we iron the paper or pop it in the oven (rather than burning holes through each letter in the attempt to get them to show up). We actually did this the next day, even though I’m just getting around to posting it now.
First Maia and I used white crayon on white paper to make top secret notes and drawings for each other. Once we swapped, we each exposed the drawing/note by painting over it with liquid watercolors. So yes, okay, it’s simply crayon resist which we’ve so done many times before. But the secret note aspect made it lots of fun!
After making several for each other, Maia made a couple to send to her pen pal and to a friend. Which are, um, still sitting in their envelopes waiting to be sent. I’ll get on that…