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Ice Play


 We got out our Arctic animals and added some ice to our play this week.

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This was the first set up we tried yesterday.  I froze a large block and attempted an O shaped piece of ice.  This didn’t work!  It broke up when I tried to get it out of the tray, but this didn’t matter too much, as it gave us some smaller pieces to use in play:-)


The children had great fun moving the animals around,  we made stepping stones with the ice blocks for the animals….


…and also found we could balance the ice blocks on top of each other.


We tried balancing the animals on the ice.


E then became a little concerned about the animals being wet, so we had to find towels to dry them!


She then decided to place the towels over the ice to stop them slipping, without any prompting 🙂
After play had finished, I decided to put the ice pieces back in the freezer for tomorrow.  It occurred to me as I was doing this, that I could freeze the ice pieces together.2 (1)And this is what we had to play with today 🙂
I attempted a B shape this time, again without success (I will succeed!) and also froze more cube shapes this time.


Here are the pieces I froze together.  I created different level, a slide and a sort of tunnel!


The children needed no prompting to play!


The different level of ice allowed the introduction of positioning vocabulary – on, under, behind, in front of.

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The children also explored space as they tried to fit the different animals through the tunnel.

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Like yesterday, we role-played with the animals.  The children are just beginning to role-play with figures so ever so often you hear something like ‘oh poor baby!’.


A paddling pool for a penguin!


We got lots of opportunity to explore cold and slippery!


The smaller cubes proved really popular, they were made into stepping stones….


…fitted into the larger pieces of ice….


….and also slid off into the water!


Now it’s back in the freezer ready for next week!
Note: Just wanted to add that I know polar bears and penguins live at seperate poles!! Because it has been cold and snowy here the last couple of weeks, we’ve had animals out that live where it’s cold. Being play-based, the children have the freedom to add the resources of their choosing to an activity. All being under 2, they are not yet able to understand north and south poles and generally like to add as much as possible to play! I tend to take the ‘set-up pictures’ after the children have finished playing.