It’s been a while since I shared a post on our heuristic play and we’ve changed our resources a bit since last time. Oh and I’ve got a bit more organised! Rather than just a heap, I try to lay out the resources now for the children to explore.
The slope isn’t always part of our heuristic play, but some of the children are pretty interested in rolling at the moment.
The open-ended nature of heuristic play allowed them to explore which items would roll.
For some items, they discovered that rolling was dependant on how they were placed on the slope.
There are always plenty of opportunities within our heuristic play for filling and emptying.
Stones and egg cartons.
Stones and tubes.
I’ve added some mirrors to our play as these always seem to be a source of fascination for the children. They both enjoy seeing their reflection and observing items that they place on top of the mirrors.
The large bowl provides another reflective experience.
And here’s another!
I try to provide plenty of each resource, but often the children gravitate towards the same piece. Things always seem more appealing when someone else is using them!
Still, having the opportunity to practise our social skills is never a bad thing!
I’ve also added our fabric box. This is simply a small cardboard box with a hole cut in the top, containing squares of assorted textured fabrics.
Sometimes once the session gets going, I can withdraw my involvement.
Exploring capacity…
…..size and shape.
Ribbons and strings
The fascination here appeared to be observing the beads as they followed behind.
Then observing how they moved across the different levels of the boxes.
With a bit of help, discovering how the resources could be combined.