At the moment we are focusing on growing. This is part of a move to promote a healthy diet and healthy lifestyles with the children. I know they are very young, but children learn through everything they do and everything we do when around them, not just what we intend to teach them!
We’ve got out greenhouse up – £30 from Wilkinson!
And my hubbie has very kindly made us 2 large and 2 smaller planters to grow our vegetables in:-)
So we’ve been very busy lately planting our seeds and everyone has been keen to join in.
The children chose the seed they wanted to plant…
…made a hole and popped it in…
wrote out a label for their pot….
Then they carefully put their pot in the greenhouse.
…peas, french beans…
We have also been planting herbs to add a sensory element to our garden.
Ah they are getting good at this planting lark!
Here they are all planted up. We have a curry plant, rosemary, chives, mint, lavender and…… I can’t remember the rest – they smell nice though! (good job I kept the labels!)
I’ve placed them by our outdoor kitchen as I want to encourage the children to incorporate them into their play (if they grow!). We have also put the two smaller planters here.
Digressing slightly, I found these fantastic creations when we went to plant our peas this week! (notice my rhododendron flowers feature quite strongly, don’t think I am going to have a problem getting them to incorporate the herbs into their play!)
Anyway, back to the peas, M took control of planting these…
Now we just need them to grow!
We have also planted beans in our larger planter and some beetroot in the bottom left corner of the far planter.
Alongside the fruit and vegetables we are growing in the garden, the children have each planted a chosen seed in their own mini greenhouse (2, pint plastic cups fitted on top of each other – got these from tesco for £1.29)
And there seeds are starting to grow!
Not only can they see what is going on above the soil….
But they can also see what is happening below (if you do this make sure you plant your seeds around the edge of the pot!)
Continuing this theme we have also planted up carrot seeds in 2 litre coke bottles, so hopefully we will be able to see the carrots growing.
So far so good! They started to grow quite quickly….
and currently look like this (now we just need some carrots!)
The little ones were equally fascinated with the pots and containers! L decided this 4 pack container was a bag!
While F decided pots made a good stacking game….