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Exploring Coloured Glue

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I couldn’t wait to try the idea I saw for coloured glue over at Little Explorers.

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I didn’t have any powdered paint, so used food colouring instead  (powdered paint probably would have been better as it did stain our hands but luckily we had managed to wash it off before it was time to go home).

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 I decided to use some Christmas themed plates to explore the glue, not that the J noticed, the glue was far too fascinating!


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Initially he explored the glue by spreading it across the plate…


but it wasn’t long before he began to explore holding the spreader further away from the plate and watching the glue drip onto the plate.

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K couldn’t resist joining in, though one plate wasn’t enough! I noticed as the children explored, the glue was bubbling and realised the plastic coating on the plates was probably going to prevent the glue from drying, so we switched to normal plates.



Initially J tried out the same exploration techniques..

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…but this time progressed to experimenting with 2 glue spreaders!

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