I precut some of the cupcake liners for the younger children and showed the older children how to cut in different styles. You can draw on the cupcake wrapper first or cut freehand. We made various styles: pointed petals, rounded petals, scalloped petals.
The kids began selecting and cutting their cupcake wrappers. Some of our flowers had layers of several wrappers, some a single wrapper. Smaller wrappers can be used to make smaller flowers or as centers for larger flowers.
To make leaves, we sketched a leaf pattern onto green paper and cut the leaves out. We used a hole punch to make a hole at the bottom of each leaf.
To attach the pipe cleaner stems, gently poke a hole in the center of your flower with a pencil or scissors tip and push the two ends of the pipe cleaner through the hole. Bend the ends slightly so they hold onto the flower.