It was the Big Garden Birdwatch here in England last week, so we were busy with lots of ‘bird’ related activities. I’ve already shared our simple bird feeders, but alongside this we also explored bird seed, painted with feather and made our own birds with templates.
First up was bird seed exploration.
I love bird seed and can never resist running my hands through it!
Yep, definitely has to be explored with your hands.
We did progress eventually to using some of the other resources.
Practising scooping with the spoons.
And emptying.
Lots of emptying.
We tried hard to work out how to use some of the other resources. Some required squeezing….
….some a scissor action…..
….and more squeezing (we found prising apart worked just as well!)
We explored capacity, seeing how much we could get to fit into the containers.
We worked out which resources fitted together ……and which didn’t!
We set up our own play, laying out all the containers and then filling them.
We made shakers!
Sensory play always holds the children’s attention.

We talked about the colours of the feathers as we selected them.
Explored the feel…..
….and discovered if we blew, they moved!
Our final activity, and my favourite, was painting with feathers.
I wasn’t sure how this activity would turn out, as it occurred to me as I was setting it out that the children might be a bit heavy handed and snap the feather!
However, the children seemed to know that they needed to be gently and press lightly.
Experimenting with using the other end of the feather!
Definitely process art!
Finished pieces 🙂
Posted 9th February 2013 by Cathy Denman