We’ve visited the beach on lots of occasions over the summer months and this has inspired some ‘beach themed’ activities, some I’ve set up as I thought the children would enjoy them, others are inspired by the children’s interests at the beach.
Our beach themed tray is a bit of both! I used the items the children collected at the beach to set up a play tray, adding sand, water, a boat and playmobil figures.
The children collected stones, shells, seaweed and wood from the beach.
I also made keyring books of objects the children had seen at the beach and clipped these on the side of the tray.
I included pictures of shells, seagulls, seaweed, waves, pebbles,sand etc.
The children investigated and explored the various objects.
Of course being a sensory tray it was really important to touch and feel!
The two years olds are at the very beginning of role-play, moving figures around and sometimes vocalising what they are doing.
At the moment they each become involved in their own play….
..sometimes pausing to watch each other.
We got our playmobil figures to swim, make footprints in the sand, balance on the pebbles and run from the crabs!
This little man loved the boat and spent a long time putting the figures in and out.