Autumn playdough!
The children have spent a lot of time recently, searching the local parks and forests for Autumn objects.
I added a selection to our playdough table, displaying them along the centre so they were within easy reach.
I wanted the dough to be autumn colours but having overspent on my budget (again!) I had to make to with what was in the cupboard. Luckily they turned out ok even though some of the colour names were paprika / flesh, lemon / lime and caramel!
I showed the children how they could use the resources to make prints in the dough.
They were hooked and explored with the rest of the resources.
They experimented with rolling over the resources, pressing them further into the dough.
I love nature art!
We found by using the dough we could stack the resources higher!
These grasses fascinated the children.
The added them to their dough but they tended to gradually fall over!
The children are used to all sorts of smells coming from our dough activity, so having a sniff comes automatically now!
There are always opportunities for new discoveries though, this time finding that the grasses are tickly!
Not totally related to Autumn, but we had plastic knives on the table. I’d added them as cutting is something the children had shown an interest in, and cutting playdough, being quite easy, gives them the opportunity to practise this skill.
We started by rolling the playdough into long sausages, but the children also experimented with cutting through thicker pieces of dough.
The Autumn resources on the playdough table were also popular with the after school children.
Faces seemed a popular theme!
This one even had eyelashes!