Last week we headed off to a local farm. The children got to get up close to lots of the animals…
…some of us liked to get really close!
It was lovely as there were lots of baby animals to see and touch.
It was lovely as there were lots of baby animals to see and touch.

Pigs …
…and piglets! (couldn’t get everyone in one photo!)
soft fluffy rabbits – L’s favourite.
Well actually L loves all animals and knows all their names.

Everyone has to stand in the bench with the other children (we went with some childminding friends) – not really sure why as there wasn’t much to see!
And ahhh cute fluffy ducklings and chicks that nibbled our fingers.
For some though, it wasn’t the animals that caught their attention!
This was K’s favourite part of the farm visit and there were at least 5 tractors here for him to admire. Unfortunately the children weren’t allowed to climb on them. There is another farm quite nearby that has old farm equipment the children can climb on and tractor rides, so I think we might have to visit this one next!
Links to EYFS:
PSED: Dispositions and Attitudes – Show their particular characteristics, preferences and interests.
KUW: Place – Are curious about their environment.
CD: Responding to experiences, expressing and communicating ideas – Express themselves through physical action and sound.