J loves the dolls at the moment, so I thought I would extend his interest by providing the resources to bath the dolls.
Well J didn’t need any encouragement to participate, once the dolls were in the water he was away!
Cleaning and washing.
Great hand eye coordination – straight in the eyes!
We worked on some new skills, trying really hard to operate the soap dispenser.
Now there was one thing bothering me about this activity…it wasn’t very realistic, the dolls were too clean!
Well that can be sorted:)
I told J that the dolly had been playing in the mud, was very dirty and needed another bath. He looked at me quite puzzled at first!

But took him off to the bath and cleaned him up:)
It didn’t take J long to catch on that getting dolly dirty was actually quite fun!
Now we had something to clean.
That’s it don’t forget in between the toes.
Poor dollies, they were backwards and forwards between the dirt and the water!